Monday, January 23, 2012

TextBook Question 12, 15 and 17

12) While shopping online, Ji Hun finds a square rug with an area of 11m2. He needs to know if it will fir in his 4x5 m bedroom.

a)Estimate the side length of the rug to one decimal place.
a) 52 cm

b) Check you estimate with a calculator.
b) 676 mm

c) will the rug fit?
c) 24 cm

15) order the following number from least to greatest: 7, square root 46, 5.8, square root 27, 6.3.

no. the angle is not a right angle. It has to be 10 m for the angle to be right angled

6+8 = 100; = 10
17) carmel wants to mount an 18cm x 18cm square picture on a square board thay is four time the area of the picture.

a) what is the area of the picture?

324 cm

b) what is the area of the board?


c) what are the dimensions of the board?
36cm by 36cm

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ethans Scribe Post

9. What are all possible whole numbers that have a square root between 4 and 5 ?

Answer - 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24

6. What is an example of a whole number that has square root between 9 and 10 ?

Answer - 84

15. Order the following numbers from least to greatest, square root of 46, square root of 27, 7, 5.8, 6.3

Answer - Square root of 27, 5.8, 6.3, square root of 46, 7

Ethans Scribe Post

9. What are all possible whole numbers that have a square root between 4 and 5 ?

Answer - 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24

6. What is an example of a whole number that has square root between 9 and 10 ?

Answer - 84

15. Order the following numbers from least to greatest, square root of 46, square root of 27, 7, 5.8, 6.3

Answer - Square root of 27, 5.8, 6.3, square root of 46, 7

Textbook Questions 4, 8, and 9

4. Estimate the square root of each number, to one decimal place. Check your answer with calculator.

Square root of 72 is close to the halfway point of 66 and its square root is 8.1 and 72 is 4 numbers away from it. So the whole is 8 and the decimal is 4.
The square root of 103 is 10.1. For the whole it hasn't reach pass 11 so it is 10 and for the decimal I just counted how far it is from.
The square root of 55 is 7.5. for the Whole once again it has now pass 64 so therefore it is 7 and for the decimal I just rounded 49 by 50 then counted how far 50 is from 55 and I got 5.

8.) Identify all possible whole numbers with a square root larger that 2 and smaller than 3

9.) Identify all possible whole numbers that have a square root between 4 and 5.


Kate's Estimating Square Root Scribe Post

What is square root?

-Square root is the inverse of squaring.

-It is a number multiplied by itself.

Square Root van be thought of as aside in a square.

You can find the approximate √ of a number using perfect square. the whole number is the same as the smaller perfect square for all √ in between.

To estimate a fractional √ we can find find the whole number.

-To find the denominator of the fraction we subtract the perfect squares.


-To find the numerator we count the
positions between a perfect

Textbook Questions

4,5, 12,and 15

5) estimate each value, to one decimal place. Check your answer with calculator.

12) While shopping online, Ji Hun finds a square rug with an area of 11m² . He needs to know if it will fit in his 4mx5m bedroom.

a)Estimate the side length of the rug, to one decimal place.

b)Check your estimate with a calculator.

√ 3.316

c)Will the rug fit? Explain.

Yes, because the area of the bedroom is 20m² . The square root of the area which is 20 is 4.472 and the square root of the rug (11) is √ 3.316 .

15) Order the following numbers from least to greatest 7, √46, 5.8,√27,6.3



6.3x6.3= 39.6

5.8x5.8= 33.8


answer: √27 ,5.8,6.3,√46 ,7

Textbook Questions 14, 15, and 16.

a) 60

b) No, there is only one answer because there is no multiple of 12 between the perfect squares of 49 and 64.


b) The fitness centre should get a 5.1 m by 5.1 m so that it doesn’t take more than 75% area of the room.

Text Book Questions 4,9 and 15

4. Estimate the square root of each number, to one decimal place. Check your answer with calculator.

A) 72

8.5 x 8.5= 72,25 close enough to 72.

B) 103

10.1 x 10.1= 102.01

C) 55

7.4 x 7.4= 54.76

9)What are all possible whole number that have square root between 4 and 5.

4x4= 16
5x5= 25

17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

15. Order the following number from least to greatest 7, square root 46, 5.8, square root 27, 6.3

Square root 46, 5.8x 5.8= 33.64, square root 27, 6.3 x 6.3= 39.69, 7

Textbook Questions 14, 15, and 17

14. Alex is thinking of a number. The number has a square root between 7 and 8, and a multiple of 12.

a) What number could he be thinking of?

b) Is there more than one answer? Explain.
No, because 60 is the only number that is between the square root of 7 and 8 that is a multiple of 12.

15. Order the following numbers from least to greatest:

Ordered from least to greatest:

17. Carmel wants to mount an 18cm x 18cm square picture on a square board that is four times the area or the picture

a) What is the area of the picture?


b) What is the area of the board?

I got this answer because I multiplied 324cm(squared) by 4.

c) What are the dimensions of the board?

Here's a video that can help.

Shera's scribe - Textbook questions 12, 14, 18 - Pythagorean Relationship

12. While shopping online, Ji Hun finds a square rug with the area of 11 m squared. He needs to know if it will fit his 4 m x 5 m bedroom.

a) Estimate the side length of the rug, to one decimal place.

b) Check your estimate with a calculator.
- √11 = 3.316

c) Will the rug fit? Explain.
- Yes it will, because the area of the room is 20 m2.

14. Alex is thinking of a number.
"The number has a square root between 7 and 8, and it is a multiple of 12."

a) What number could he be thinking of?
- 7.8

b) Is there more than one answer? Explain.
- No, because there aren't any more multiples of 12 in between √49 and √64.

18. a) Evaluate √9.
- 3.

b) Estimate the square root of your answer in part a), to one decimal place.

c) Use a calculator to check your estimate. Express your answer to the nearest hundredth.
- 1.73

d) How close is your estimate in part b) to your calculation in part c)?
- The difference is 0.17


1. The Pythagorean Relationship is the relationship between the sides of a right triangle. Two side lengths, called "the legs"'s area added together would equal the hypotenuse's area.


2. Solve the missing side length.

3. Is this a right triangle? Prove it!!!

Gielh's Scribe post Text book Questions 5 , 12 , 16

5) Estimate each value to one decimal place .


12) While shopping online , Jin Hun finds a square rug with an area of 11m2 . He needs to know if it will fit in his 4m x 5m bedroom.

B) Estimate : √11 = 3.2

C) Yes it would fit because the side length is 3.3 its smaller than the shorter side of the room.

16) A fitness center will install square hot tub in a 6m x 6m room . They want the tub to fill no more than 75% of the rooms area.

75% of 36 is 0.75x36= 27


B) the fitness center should order dimension of 5.1 by 5.1 because the area does not exceed 75% of the space available

Textbook Questions 5, 15, 18

5. Estimate each value, to one decimal place. Check your answer with a calculator.

√14 b) √86 c) √136

a) Find the two perfect square closets to 14. They are 9 and 16.

Find the half way point.

Since 14 is more closer to 16 the square root needs to be more than 3.5.

Estimate: 3.6

Calculation: 3.7

b) Find the two perfect square closets to 86. They are 81 and 100.
86 is smaller than the half way point. So its less than 9.5

Estimate: 9.3

Calculation: 9.2

c) Find the two perfect square closets to 136. They are 121 and 144.
136 is larger than the half way point. So its more than 11.5

Estimate: 11.7

Calculation: 11.6

15. Order the following numbers from least to greatest.

7, √46, 5.8, √27, 6.3

First you have to find the square roots of those numbers. (46 and √27)

√46 = 6.7

√27 = 5.1

In order = √27, 5.8, 6.3, √46, 7


a) 3


c) 1.73

d) very close

Jenny's Scribe Post

Textbook Questions 12, 14, 17

12. While shopping online, Ji Hun finds a square rug with the area of 11 m squared.
He needs to know if it will fit his 4 m x 5 m bedroom.

A) Estimate the side length of the rug, to one decimal place.

B) Check your estimate with a calculator.
√11= 3.316

C) Will the rug fit? Explain.
Yes, because the area of the room is 20 m2

14. Alex is thinking of a number.
"The number has a square root between 7 and 8, and it is a multiple of 12."
A) What number could he be thinking of?

B) Is there more than one answer? Explain
No, because there are no more multiples of 12 in between √49 and √64

17. Carmel wants to mount an 18 cm x 18 cm square picture on a square
board that is four times the area of the picture.

A) What is the area of the picture?
Multiply 18cm x 18cm = 324 cm2
324 cm2 is the area of the picture

B) What is the are of the board?
Multiply 324 cm2 x 4 = 1296

The area of the board is 1296 cm2. It is 4x the area of the picture
C) What is the dimensions of the board?
Find the square of 1296 cm2
The square root 1296 cm2 is 36 cm

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Charry's Estimating Square Root Scribe Post

What is square root?
-Square root is the inverse of squaring.
-It is a number multiplied by itself.

A Square Root van be thought of as aside in a square.

You can find the approximate of a number using perfect square. the whole number is the same as the smaller perfect square for all in between.

To estimate a fractional √ we can find find the whole number.
-To find the denominator of the fraction we subtract the perfect squares.

-To find the numerator we count the

positions between a

perfect squares.

Textbook Questions
5, 12,and 15

5) estimate each value, to one decimal place. Check your answer with calculator.

12) While shopping online, Ji Hun finds a square rug with an area of 11

m² . He needs to know if it will fit in his 4mx5m bedroom.

a)Estimate the side length of the rug, to one decimal place.

b)Check your estimate with a calculator.


c)Will the rug fit? Explain.

Yes, because the area of the bedroom is 20m² . The square root of the area which is 20 is 4.472 and the square root of the rug (11) is 3.316 .

15) Order the following numbers from least to greatest 7, √46, 5.8,√27,6.3



6.3x6.3= 39.6

5.8x5.8= 33.8


answer: √27 ,5.8,6.3,√46 ,7