Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Anmarie's Pay it Forward

Part 1

In the movie Pay it Forward, there was this little that had and project to do about helping others and making a difference in people's lifes. He decieded to help three people and they would help three other people. The First person he helped was a homeless man, then he helped his mom, and then his teacher. He ended up meeting his goal and was interviewed all over the world. But one day some bullies were bulling a boy and and the boy how wanted to make a difference when and tried to help the boy, but one of the bullies pulled out a knife and the boy got stabbed and so he didn't make it but he helped alot of people around him.

Part 2

My Pay it Forward act of kindness was to voleentare at the Day Caree Center and make Thank You Cards with Cindy and a little help from Amanda B. We choose this activity because we thought it would be helping the staff and kids at the Day Caree Center we also choose Thank You Cards because it would show that we care and we want to say thank you to the people who have been helping us. For voleentare at the Day Caree Center we read books and help make puzzles and just playing around with the kids. For the thank you cards we made them by our selfs. We starded our act of kindness on November 8,2011 and finish on the 14 of November 2011.

This is a picture of me reading a book to some kids.

This is me playing with the kids.

This is me going to go play with some other kids.

This is Amanda and I playing with some toys.

Part 3

Our act of kindness went really good, we finish what we started and we are proud of what we have done. After having to leave the Day Caree we wrote them a thank you card. I also wrote thank you cards for some of my teachers and my mom. I felt really good about what I have done because people know that we care. Some of my teachers acted surprised and the staff at the day caree acted surprise too. I did with the staff at the day care. They didn't react to surprised.

Part 4

I think the idea of pay it forward is important because it's a chances to help people around you and people you don't know. I think our act of kindness has made a difference because people know that we care.


  1. To: Anmarie, Cindy, and Amanda B
    I think it's a really good idea to go volunteer at a day care to help out staff with the kids. According to what I read about your experience, you guys completed your pay it forward and made the people surprised that you guys are doing this. Who I thought benefited was the staff at the day care and the kids because you probably made all the kids and the staff happy by helping out. The staff was probably really impressed of how you guys made the kids happy according to your pictures. What I learned about your experience is that it doesn't take a whole lot to do just to make a difference, playing with kids and making staff and kids happy is already making a difference. What I suggest is probably asking them to Pay it Forward or explain what Pay it Forward is to get people aware of what you're helping out for. How long did you volunteer at the day care for and what day care did you go to? Other than that, good job guys(:

  2. Hi Anmarie, Cindy, and Amanda B, I like your "Pay it Forward." What I really like your pay it forward is going to the daycare center and teach some kids. I also like the pictures that you take, and I think the staff would be happy by teaching some kids. Keep up the good work guys!

  3. Part 1:
    Good job Annmarie!!!Your act of kindness is very unusual because I haven't seen other act of kindness volunteering to a Day Care Center. It looks like in your pictures that you had fun playing with the kid and that is really good!!
    Once again Good Job!

    Part 2
    Who was involved in the act of kindness? (giving and receiving)

    Annmarie, Amanda, Cindy and the kids at the Day Care Center.

    What act of kindness was completed?

    They made Thank you cards and went to a Day Care Center to volunteer.

    In your opinion, who benefited from this act of kindness?

    In my opinion, all of them did.

    What can YOU learn from their experience?

    That volunteering in a Day Care Center can be fun because you get to meet children and play with them and have fun. You can also make a difference at the same time. :))


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